When we first visited San Cristobal in May 2009, we visited the site of the massive derrumbe which had occurred in January 2009.
From the former road, we looked down at the new road that had been constructed to enable people to still travel the only northern east/west highway.
We went back in September 2009, the view was still much the same...massive destruction. As people passed along the new road, often the noise of rocks cracking could still be heard. Rocks and land continued to slide down the mountain.
When we visited again in September 2009, trucks and cars continued to use the new lower highway even if it meant passing by huge boulders which could, with just a little shake, completely crush the truck.
It is a long road to travel.
A long road to travel that still has continual slides that constantly change the overall view.
This past week in June 2010, we entered from the other side of the derrumbe on a misty afternoon, praying the Lord to hold the rain until we were safely on the other side.
It just looks differently as we enter from the west side.
We were trying to take pictures that give the total view but it is just impossible.
Many cars and trucks just like this pass through the path everyday.
This view is to the right of the car looking down to the river far in the distance which received much rocks and earth from the original slide.
Look at the size of some of these boulders...they could crush a car very easily.
Heading up to the top of the road, this was the view of the overall derrumbe.
We are climbing up from the low highway.
Not a really good photo but was taken backwards as we reached the top and reentered the former highway.
As the rains come, some landslides cover parts or all of the roads. They can also wash out the earth under the roads and roads can collapse. Travel is interesting to say the least. Remember us before the Throne!