Thursday, January 17, 2008

We have a CONTRACT!

Thanks for praying! Praise God, as of this evening, we have a signed contract on the house! The timing is perfect as we finish here and make final preparation for our move to Richmond for eight weeks of missionary orientation. He has shown us again that His timing is perfect.

We are thankful that we can spend the next week in the Tennessee mountains and spend time with our children. After this intense time of packing and moving, we are looking forward to a time of rest and family time.

You have prayed, and God has answered. You prayed for our legal documents, and we have them in hand. You prayed for the sale of our house, and we have a contract. You prayed for a home for Floppy, and she is in a loving home.

Don't stop praying! We will soon be in Spanish Language School, and we are encouraged that the God who is working wonderfully in these days will continue to answer your prayers there.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear David and Glynis,
Barry passed along the good news about the house contract and the link to your site. This will really help us keep in touch. Enjoy your family time. I put a CD with a few pictures from the Abilene reception with the projector cables for Deborah to pick up. Talk with you soon.
Praying for you.