Sunday, March 2, 2008

New realities produce new perspectives...

Each day we are exposed to new realities of life. As a result, we find our changing perspectives are redefining our vocabulary. Whereas before we could define safety as "freedom from pain," we can now say safety is "the assurance of our eternal relationship with Jesus." And as such, what better place of safety can we find ourselves?!

This week we learned about Chronological Bible Storying which is used especially among oral cultures. Our assignment is to share a Bible story to our small group. Easy - that is until we began to prepare. We thought we knew the story - but the story must be only the Bible story, no embellishments, just the Bible story and told the same way each time so the listener can in turn teach the story to others - exactly, accurately, the Bible, God's Word. After telling the story, we must ask good questions that review the story and bring application. It is an awesome responsibilty knowing that our story is their access to God's Word. Pray for us this week as we prepare to share our stories. Glynis will be storying Elisha and the Prophets of Baal at Mount Carmel - "Choose who is God, then follow Him." David will be storying the four lepers at the Samaritan army's camp - "We do not well. This is a day of good tidings, and we hold our peace." Both are powerful stories and wonderful truths abound.

March 2 is my mother's 89th birthday. I am reminded of the godly heritage I have - a wonderful mother (and father) who loves the Lord and who has taught us by example and deed. Thank you Lord.

Thanks for bringing our names to the Father this week interceding for us and the peoples of Guatemala.


Unknown said...

Thank you for my prayer basket. Your "story" assignment has similarities to the first time you were asked to write you testimony: less than 3 minutes and no "churchy" words; then editing countless times as more words were identified as "churchy" than you realized! Missing you and praying for you with love.

Unknown said...

please excuses typos in last comment