Saturday, April 26, 2008

Heading Out...

Well, what a whirlwind three weeks we have had since we left ILC the first of April. We have spent time with family and friends. We have traveled many miles, slept in various beds, eaten way too much food - and enjoyed every bite! We were able to spend time in Macon with Glynis' mom, sister, nephew and his daughter. We had not spent time together in several years and it was so good to be together.

Last weekend, all eight remaining brothers and sisters, many of their children and grandchildren and Glynis' mom gathered at David's mom's house for a time of food and fellowship. It was the last time we had all been together since her death in October 2006.

What a wonderful time we have had with family! How thankful we are for the godly heritage we have and the family love and support they provide.

This last weekend we are spending time with our children and their spouses at a friend's lake house. Barry and Liz are God's gift to us in providing this special place and time for us. Sunday we will visit Abilene, our home church. Stephen will take us to the airport Monday as he returns home and then our lives forever change! Just think our next post could be in Spanish. Yep, we start intense language study from the moment we step off the plane Monday evening in San Jose! Pray, pray, pray for these minds to be absorbent sponges soaking it all in and allowing it to permeate our minds and tongues - all for the purpose of sharing the Gospel in the heart language.

Until next time from our new home - love to all.

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Pensguys said...

I'm SO excited for ya'll! It was so great seeing you again on Wed night and I know tomorrow will be special too.

We love ya'll!

The Danners

1jordan1 said...

What a crew of Millers!! We want tell that you are the baby. How blessed I am to be a sister among you. How wonderful that our children and grands are so close. Yes, tomorrow your lives will change forever as all of our lives will change with your leaving. It will all be okay. Don't worry about your language study...with so many people praying, you will do great. As you leave tomorrow remember we will be thinking of you and praying for you. I love you both. Your sis, Wrena