Sunday, June 29, 2008

Flowers in Costa Rica...

I have tried so many times to upload the following pictures and for some reason every time, I have problems. I am SURE it is NOTHING like user issue. Anyway, I will post these pictures and hope you enjoy them. I will keep trying to upload more because the flowers are just so pretty! So take a walk through our garden...

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Just like I said in the last post...last week was No Homework...yeah right. This week is FILLED! Monday, I (Glynis) have an oral dramatization during conversation class on "shopping for clothes or shoes." Then Tuesday, I have tests - HUGE one in grammar and two in conversation, another oral one and a written one. Then I will probably have a test in fonetica Wednesday or Thursday. David has a HUGE fonetica test on Tuesday and probably a HUGE grammer test on Wednesday or Thursday. Glad it is a short week of classes.

Remind the Father of us this week! We ask for abundant memory recall, fluid tongues, and a short distance from our minds to our tongues! We are praying for you all this week as well.


1jordan1 said...

These are beautiful. Do you have ferns? Mama would really love these. Love you, Wrena

Mike and Miriam Adams said...

I appreciate the gardenia! You know how much we just love the smell of those...not!

Bennie and Retta Durham said...

I am so proud of yopu guys and blessed to know you. We love you both and all of your children. May God bless you as you serve Him! I know that excitement is building!

Bennie and Retta Durham said...

yopu is redneck for you