Wednesday, January 13, 2010

And a week later...

It is so good to walk in the peace of God day by day.

Last week after carrying official papers to police stations, enjoying the company of special friends, we headed to a new area for research. We had ridden through the area as we returned from Belize and were anxious to return. God went before us and led the way.

Saturday we spent several hours traveling with the Baptist pastor from Chiquimula to the surrounding municipios and several aldeas. We noticed the evangelical Amigos (Friends or Quakers) church in Camotán and planned to return for worship on Sunday. What a joy to worship with them on Sunday and visit with the new pastor. One of the leaders in the church invited us home with his family for cafecita, which in reality was a delicious lunch, with a couple of hours of very insightful information of both the surrounding aldeas and the Ch´ortí, giving us a great headstart on further travel to the area.
Then Sunday night we worshipped with the Baptist church in Chiquimula and again gave greetings...sweet, sweet fellowship. We are looking forward to returning to the area to continue our research and foundational work for the spread of the Gospel to the Ch´ortí.

Earlier in the week a missionary coworker had told us that our experience would connect us with the Guatemaltecos. We have definitely found that to true. God is using our experience to bond us together in a unique opportunities. Isn't God good to use what we would consider bad to bring glory to His name? Looking forward to the future!

1 comment:

Mike and Miriam Adams said...

As for you, it was in your mind to do me evil, but God has given a happy outcome, the salvation of numbers of people, as you see today.

Genesis 50:20

-version Bible in Basic English

LOVE IT! and you too!