Sunday, February 28, 2010

PRAYERWalk with me...

This time we will travel from Camotán toward Honduras and exit to the left right past the Puente (bridge) Jupilingo. Along this 16 km loop, Ch’ortí live up and down the mountain side. We saw no evangelical churches along this journey.

Pray that the cycle of deception will be broken and that people will hunger to know the Truth of God.

Pray believers will have a vision to reach these people who walk these roads, who walk these mountains, who walk in darkness and deception. Who will come?

Pray for believers to walk these roads and speak boldly about Salvation through faith alone through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.

Pray that the people who plant crops up and down the mountain side will come to know the Bread of Life who will satisfy their inner longings of Peace, Hope, and a Future.

Pray for crops to grow which will nourish the physical body and that the Spirit of God will flow rivers of Living Water satisfying their spiritual thirst providing Eternal Life.

Pray that the children will learn to read and write so that they can read the Words of Life. Though there are many schools along the road the cost of uniforms, books and other supplies keep many children from being able to consistently attend.

Pray for churches to be established that will loudly proclaim that Jesus is Lord!

Pray for that many Ch’ortí will stand beside you at the Throne of God singing Hallelujah to the Lamb!

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