Monday, July 12, 2010

New Roads to Travel

You have walked with us as we traveled the roads through Chiquimula, Jocotán, Camotán, San Juan Ermita, and Olopa but these days we are learning new towns. Now you will hear of Chichicastenango, Santa Cruz del Quiche, San Andres Sajcabaja, Uspantan and many others.

You have seen as we have traveled dry, curvy, ROCKY, high drop off the side roads. Now we are traveling...the same type roads just add in the slip and slide of the rainy season.

We spent several days this week on some very remote dirt and rocky roads, with enough rain to make them muddy and squishy. It is a little unnerving to slip and slide on a road on the side of the mountain, especially when there are some pretty significant washouts on the sides. It was several hours of no relaxing the muscles. Thanks to the Lord, your prayers, and 4-wheel drive, we made it! Some of the Quiché population pockets are in remote areas. We have quite a few more areas like this to research.

Some of the area we traveled reminded us of Georgia...tall pine trees and red clay. I couldn't help but laugh. I've said that the schools in Georgia pipe in red clay for their they must have also for this soccer field...nothing but red clay!

It continues to rain, so we will wait until tomorrow to go back, hoping for a little sunshine. We are having progress in working this massive area. Thanks for praying, and as the Lord reminds you, keep it up.

We go so that they may hear the Truth and worship ONLY HIM!


Unknown said...

Your post reminded me of our first trip to Coban - I was so very surprised to see the pine trees and red clay!!

Travis and Danielle said...

We cannot WAIT to see you guys in November! We are so excited for you to meet our little guy and give you great big hugs!


Travis and Danielle