Monday, January 3, 2011

What is it about January?

This morning in my devotional book, Jesus Calling, I preread a little.  Actually it is from tomorrow's devotional but I was in a reminiscent mood as I recalled January 4th, 2010.  Little did I realize the full impact of remembering the past. 

Remember last January 4th, the day that we recalled God's faithfulness, a day in which we said "We trust You Jesus.  We trust in your Peace that passes all understanding."?  Throughout the year we have continued resting in that Peace.  Then today I read..."I want you to learn a new habit. Try saying, 'I trust You, Jesus' in response to whatever happens to you."  Thank you Jesus for your Peace that is REAL.

David went to town this morning to complete a few errands before we finished the day packing and getting ready to leave for Honduras tomorrow.  At one of his stops, he realized that the car doors wouldn't lock...very unusual.  When he got home, he found the reason.  He had parked close to one of his usual parking spots downtown and was gone maybe five minutes to deliver something to a friend.  Evidently it only takes a couple of minutes to jimmy a locked car with a screwdriver, take out a radio and GPS and car phone charger!

Well, our day's plans obviously changed!  Off to the capital we had to go to get the door locks working for this trip to Honduras.  Several hours later we returned home but thankfully we won't be leaving until Wednesday for Honduras.  Since we were headed in to Guatemala City, we returned Heidi to her permanent home and got to visit with her parents, Ron and Margie, (what a special treat!) who returned early this morning from Christmas holidays in the states with their family.  But we returned to an silent house again, we miss this little furry ball of love and energy.
How good to KNOW that He is the One in control!

How good to KNOW that He is the Author of Peace!

How good to KNOW that "When you view events from this perspective - through the Light of My universal Presence - fear loses its grip on you...Your continual assertion of trusting Me will strengthen our relationship and keep you close to Me."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am wondering the same thing, what is it about January?!? But, I am thankful that this time it wasn't as frightening! The Lord bless you guys as you are traveling. I like the new look on your blog! Sorry I never responded to your comments about mine. I just picked out a different background through blogger. I hadn't made any changes in about 3 years so I thought it was about time :-) We love you guys!!