Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pray the Lord of the Harvest...

Thank you for your prayers for David as he spoke to the church in Copán Ruinas. He did a great job. However, the pastor must have thought David did not preach long enough because after David finished he got up and re-preached the same sermon, point by point, line by line and then re- preached it again. We were glad that he at least understood it and could repeat it. The people heard it three different times so we trust God will use it to send forth labors to the indigenous of Honduras and to the ends of the world. We were impressed with the number of men in the service. Following a yummy light lunch and fellowship, we came back together to share the Lord’s Supper. For some it was their first time to celebrate the finished work of Christ for their salvation as they were new believers.

Continue to pray that God would call men, women, and families from this small congregation to reach the Ch´ortí, the Garifuna, the Lenca, the Miskitos, the Pech, the Tawahka, the Tolupanes, the Bay Island Creole.

Our time in Honduras was well spent as we traveled and made many contacts to gather the needed research on these people groups. There is evangelical work among each group, but there are many still to hear and follow the Light of the Gospel. Many of the groups live in remote and difficult to reach areas. Not just anyone will go to these areas…only those who have a burden and a desire that these people have an opportunity to hear, to respond, to be discipled, to become missionaries to continue to reach others for Christ. It is a continuing growth cycle, not a one shot in the dark.

Continue to pray that God would call men, women, and families from your congregation to continue the growth cycle of faithful believers who will continue the process until Christ returns.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah, we ran into that preach, preach and re-preach a lot in Panama. Three seems to be the perfect number. :)