Thursday, August 23, 2012

And will heal their land...

 If my people, who are called by my name,
will humble themselves and pray
and seek my face
 and turn from their evil ways,
then will I hear from heaven
 and forgive their sin
 and will heal their land. 
II Chronicles 7:14
This past week as we ministered in Nearar, the Lord kept impressing this verse on my heart.  Although, we saw the greenest mountainsides we have seen since we first traveled there, the harvest is not plentiful, the people are still malnourished, still underfed, still hungry.  Their land is sick. 
There is only one cure - Jesus. 
Just as He is the Healer of their soul,
He is also the Healer of their land.

La Iglesia Bautista Canaan and Brainerd Baptist Church ministered together in a medical/dental clinic.  School was in session, so we could not use the school as our base of operation.  Instead, we were able to use the front and side porch area of a home. Monday, the crowd was somewhat slim, but it afforded us time to get organized and set up the best plan of operation. 

The medical doctor from Chimaltenango conducted business on one side of the porch,
and the dentist from Chattanooga facilitated dental business on the other side.
 Blankets were hung to provide some privacy from those who waited.

 For three days before the clinic, it had stormed every afternoon,
but God held the rain and even blew some cooling breezes in its place. 
Though still quite hot, the homemade tarp provided relief from the sun's direct rays.

Medical care was given. 
Many decaying teeth were pulled.
Medicine was dispensed...

but ALL was done as an opportunity to share Jesus
with those who walk in darkness and fear.

Some responded to the message of Christ.
"I've never experience that before," said the dentist,
"pulling a tooth on one side of the blanket
and hearing a man pray to receive Christ on the other side!
That's what it is all about!"

Pray for the healing of the land of the Chorti!
Pray for the healing of sin sick souls!

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