Saturday, December 8, 2012

November Ministry Continues

The fourth and fifth days of November continued active ministry of the Brainerd team. 

There was children's ministry,
sharing the Message of Jesus in every place.
On front stoops of homes with family members gathered,

they shared testimonies, Bible stories, message of Hope and salvation.
Boys know soccer!  Pastor Carlos uses soccer as opportunites to present Jesus.
So on the community soccer field, they prepared a smaller field for the children.
Reyes is showing the team how it is done Ch'orti' style...
using your machete, cut a sapling, sharpen it, and dig a hole for the goalposts.
Line the field
and enjoy the view.

Not many soccer fields have views like this one.
But remember it is a LONG way down when the ball goes out of bounds.
The boys were divided into four teams - two younger and two older.
The two younger teams played each other and presented a winning team.
The two older teams played each other and presented a winning team.
 The young men, along with Reyes, formed a team to play the gringos.
[Willie and Antonio (from Canaan) played with the gringos.]
Then the two winning boy teams played each other for the champion.
While the boys waited to play their games, the team used the opportunity to share Bible stories.

As time passed, we realized that we needed to feed the entire crowd - they were not leaving until it was all said and done.  So as they continued to play, David and a couple of the team, walked to a tienda to buy bread to add sandwiches to our 10 lunches, returning with only crackers, drinks, baggies, and straws.  We prepared paper towel plates with half a sandwich, a few chips, some candy and a third of can of drink.  As we ran out of peanut butter sandwiches, we made cracker peanut butter sandwiches.  As chips ran thin, we added a couple more pieces of candy. 
While the championship game was played the other children ate their lunch.  Knowing there were only a few cups, the children unselfishly returned their cups for the next group.  Following the winning goal, prizes were awarded and the remaining lunches were eaten.  Cups and drink cans now emptied, baggies were filled with drink and an added straw for the next ones.  When the straws were depleted, we knot tied the baggies and they bit a hole in the corner to drink. The young men and the team ate as well.  We served ALL 61 people gathered.  And they even gathered all the trash in plastic bags while the young men played the gringos once again.
As we gathered the trash, tore down the shortened goalposts, and climbed the road back to the cars, we were surrounded with boys and girls and young men in whose lives, once again the seed of the Gospel had been planted, watered, and nurtured.  Some of them are beginning to understand more of the saving faith in Christ alone.  Some of them are growing in that knowledge.  And some of them have received that salvation in Christ alone. 
Using every venue, using every opportunity, using every conversation
as a method of tilling the soul soil,
planting the seed of the Word of God,
watering the tender stalks of awareness of truth,
nurturing the baby plants of understanding of the Gospel,
gathering the harvest of faith.
That is what Missions is all about.


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