Thursday, February 12, 2009

No, we haven't forgotten how to write

We really haven't forgotten how to write. We have just been working on our February prayer letter (which if you did not receive one and would like a copy, please post a comment with your address and we'll send it promptly). We have, of course, been doing our usual studying, studying, oh yeah, studying some more. Thanks so much for your prayers because sometimes I think, "I've got that." But please keep those prayers flying because that feeling doesn't come as often nor as strongly as I would like or need it to come.

Tomorrow is another big Friday. I remember those days from when I was teaching but I was on the other side back then. Tomorrow I have to present a Bible study in lenguaje and then we both have another grammar test which includes an oral section as well as the written section. I don't know what it is when that sweet young teacher calls my name...the fear factor grabs hold of my tongue and mind. Pray for victory tomorrow!

Next week is Spiritual Emphasis Week. Our special speaker is a missionary colleague from Guatemala. We are looking forward to receiving the Word from Jeff Thomas and to spending some time with him and his family. There will be no homework nor tests next week...but you know what that means the next week. But that week is a short week, only four days, and then there will be a special long weekend.

As you celebrate love with your special ones, remember the One who is the source of true love. There are so many who have never heard of the Ultimate Gift of Love from the Father which provides forgiveness for our sins. Pray they will hear and receive. Pray for those who share the message, those who water, and those who reap the harvest.

Happy celebration of love!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's great to hear from you again! Scott & I would love to receive your newsletter. We continue to pray for you as you finish up your language studies and continue with the Bible study with Zaida's family.

We love you!
Sherry Bennett