Friday, January 30, 2009

Are we there yet? Not yet!

In class, the teacher was talking about the New Testament. She asked me to give the name of "un milagro de Jesús" (a miracle of Jesus). One quickly came to mind-- the feeding of the 5,000, so I responded, "Cuando Jesús..." I had to reach into my bag of words and pull out my verb related to food. The verb I needed was alimentar, to feed. Did it come to mind? Nope! The other verb did. So I said, "Cuando Jesús comió a los cinco mil personas" translated "When Jesús ATE the 5000." The sideways look on my maestra's face let me know that there is work yet to be done! Verdad!


Mindy said...

I can totally relate! I feel like I make mistakes like this all the time!

David and Rebecca said...

that's one of my favorite stories yet!! :)