Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sunday in Quiche...

On December 6, we attended the worship service of Iglesia Bautista Buenas Nuevas (New Way Baptist Church), our first time to visit a church of the indigenous Mayan people group called Quiche. The church is located near Chichicastenango, a city known for its Mayan worship practices.

Though the area is known for its spiritual darkness, we found a group of joyful believers who love the Lord and who love to sing.

Pastor Juan Conoz Saquic led the service, using a mixture of Spanish and Quiche. It was interesting to hear both languages used in the same sentences. In the homes, Quiche is generally spoken. In schools and official places, Spanish is spoken. In church, both languages are mixed together.

The church service was well attended by young people and children. Sunday School for the children was obviously a fun place to be.

In addition to the church activities, the church also has a radio studio where for twelve hours per day, Christian radio is broadcast in Spanish, Quiche, and Cakchiquel. The very simple radio studio was housed in a small concrete room. What about acoustics in a room with concrete walls, ceiling, and floors? Simple solution- eggs are sold here in large cardboard crates of 48 eggs. The ceiling was lined with egg crates! Therefore, acoustical problems solved! Life is hard for the Quiche.

Please pray for this pastor and the people of Iglesia Bautista Buenas Nuevas.

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