Saturday, March 27, 2010

Signs of the way...

All along the way, God provides just when we have needs. Every time we have come to a place where we don't know where to turn, God has provided people to direct and help.

At this one particular place, the help even came in some English directions. This young man taught English at the school in the background. He was very excited to practice his English skills with David.

Signs like this on many of the schools emphasized the importance of education for the future of the children of Guatemala.

Even in the most remote places we found TIGO signs beside the trail. TIGO is cell phone service...Q100 ($12.50) for approximately 100 minutes. But love those TRIPLE days when you get triple time for the same price of Q100!

Entertainment is found for some even in the remote areas...

But one more realistic sign of the area is found in this picture...

note the entrance of the electric wires going into the home. Safety issues anyone?

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