Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Miller Bed and Breakfast...Open for Business

We have been enjoying operating the Miller Bed and Breakfast for the past couple of weeks. What fun to have special friends and to share life with them.

Guests Barry and Howard
Barry and Scarlett have been dear friends of ours for many years. They invested in the lives of our children even before they were married. We have followed their journey as they continued their walk with the Lord into full time ministry, grew a family of four (just like us - girl, boy, girl, girl) and are now growing into a family of five, ministered as ISC missionaries in Uganda, and returned to the states to continue their ministry as Pastor of Missions. We love these folks!

Barry and his dad arrived on Sunday night and we took them on a whirlwind tour. First we traveled to the Ch'orti' area to catch the vision of work in the far flung aldeas there. (I think there were a few times they wondered if David really knew how to drive in these mountains - but he does.) Then down we went to Esquipulas to see the Basilica of the Black Christ and the many people searching for Truth. Returning through Guatemala City the next day, we took a side trip to the Relief Map for an overview of the entire country, before taking a "walking tour" of our home town, Chimaltenango. Wednesday, we toured, shopped, and lunched in Antigua before taking a driving tour through Zaragoza and Comatán to the west. Thursday morning we departed for Panajachel arriving in time for the 7:30/8:00 launch to Santiago across Lake Atitlán. Following lunch at Hotel Atitlan, where we were priviledged to see "This is the pit stop of this leg of The Amazing Race, Mexico" (WOW! was I impressed! It will air sometime in September/October on the Discovery Channel.) before David and Barry zipped down the jungle mountainside. At home, Barry took us to our local Maxi Bodega (mini Super WalMart) and had us fill two baskets with food and other supplies. What a special surprise gift from the church at Brainerd Baptist in Chattanooga. Thank you's seem so inadequate in times like this...but thank you for blessing our lives in overflowing God's provision to us. As they flew home to the states on Friday, they had many images of God's work and design here in the beautiful country of Guatemala stored in their minds and hearts.

Guests Jane and Wendell
Jane and Wendell returned to Guatemala on Tuesday to begin their four month ministry. Retired missionaries, they return each year to assist in any area they can, usually among the Ke'kechi, where they invested many years. We met them at the airport, lunched with David and Regina (before she headed to the hospital to birth their son, Cruz) and ferretted them to Chimaltenango for a couple of days of fellowship and late nights of domino playing. Penny and Keith joined us for breakfast and fellowship Thursday morning before they all left for the capital.

Guests Adam, Jennifer and children - Arabella, Corbin, and AlliBeth
You know you are busy when you have to schedule three and a half months ahead to be able to get together!! Due to conflicts in either our schedule or Adam's, we settled on this date back in February and began looking forward to their coming. They arrived in time to miss the spectacular display of Volcano Pacaya south of their home but returned home the next afternoon in time to begin the much clean up. What fun we had together!

Now when was it you say you want to book the Miller Bed and Breakfast?

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