Sunday, September 11, 2011

Happy Faces...

The family here for Sunday lunch
Dad and Mom, Miriam, Stephen, Rebecca, Deborah and Chris

Dad and Miriam

Dad and Stephen

Dad and Rebecca

Dad and Deborah

David's all-time FAVORITE dessert, snack, meal,
well, his all-time FAVORITE anytime food

His all time FAVORITE drink - coffee, new grinder and coffee gift card

And his all-time FAVORITE team...GeOrGiA,,,
two new shirts
dollar choclate bar
hnnd created Go Dawgs painting

Yep, there's been a whole lot of happy faces during this weekend...haha

1 comment:

The Whites said...

Love it! Glad you all could share such a sweet time together! Love those gifts too. Hope that ice cream maker makes its way back home, haha. We'd love to share a little of his favorite dessert too. :-)) Tell David "Feliz Cumpleanos". Miss you both and looking forward to your return. Hope you continue to make lots and lots of more precious memories with your friends and family before then. Love ya!