Monday, September 26, 2011

Sharing the Vision...

We are priviledged to be able to share our work and vision with folks throughout the southeast - North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee - while we are in the states these six months.  We have already shared in 20 different locations with about the many more ahead of us.  Not only are we sharing what God has done, we are casting a vision for the future while recruiting a larger network of prayer warriors.  It is comforting to know that as things come to us, they can only pass through that prayer covering that surrounds us.  It is encouraging to know more dear folks are coveting to broaden that covering over us.  Thank you for calling our names to the Father, asking for His peace and direction is our lives.

Guess where this weekend's journey carried us...

Before speaking at the international dinner at Bull Street Baptist Church,
we were able to enjoy a few minutes on the river walk in Savannah.

We enjoy being able to share our heart with folks, but we are also delighted when our engagements allow us to spend time with dear friends from the past as well as family.  Our time in Savannah included friendship refreshment with Ed and Adrienne before heading to David's sister's home in North Carolina to speak in their church on Sunday.

We were delighted that it is close enough that Loy and Claudette
and Miriam and Mike were able to join us for the day.

Couldn't tell these three are siblings, could you?

Think we are enjoying the "life of Riley"

...well, atleast the life with Riley :)

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