Monday, June 4, 2012

Being a Partner of God at Work

It is so exciting to be a part of God's work here in Guatemala.  And as you pray for us, you are part of God's working as well.  We will all see the fruit of our labors one day as we stand around the throne of heaven.  Oh what rejoicing that will be!
Recently the first partnership was begun.  The vision team of 4 men arrived from Brainerd Baptist Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee on Saturday, May 19, to begin work "hombro con hombro, mano a mano" (shoulder to shoulder, hand to hand) with La Iglesia Bautista Canaan, Chimaltenango.  After a dedication service on Sunday morning and the sermon by Pastor Carlos (pastor of the Hispanic work at Brainerd) and lunch at our local "Piccadilly," we headed east to Chiquimula with the team and Pastor Victoriano. 
Dedication ceremony

Pastor Carlos preaching

Monday morning, we met Pastor Nahum (the pastor from Copan Ruinas, Honduras who has been a colaborer in this area) and three men from his church, we made a swap leaving me at David and Regina White's home for a couple of days. 

Pastor Carlos (US), Pastor Nahum (Honduras), Pastor Victoriano (Guatemala)

Following David White's meeting for another mission plan that morning, he caught up with the team in Nearar.  The team prayed together, worked together, planned together for what God has in store for this area.  While the team visited in the homes, the Honduran men took apart the gallera that we had built in May 2011 to move to the home of the believer nearby.  (Remember that our man of peace one whose property it had been built was murdered two weeks after it was built and since the property did not legally belong to him, it had been closed off from use.)

Work continued on the dismanteling again on Tuesday...the dismanteling was the easy part - the difficult part was taking it down the hillside to the home of Regis.

Future site of gallera at the home of Reyes

Trail to the new location

Reye's son had no trouble carrying the lamina for the roof

David and Todd showed they are "real men" too
as they carried the double doors down the trail,
though they rested a bit more as they came back up the trail.

That afternoon, a worship time was held at Regis' home.  The guys really didn't expect to have many in attendance - they had only shared the information that morning - but when God is at work, things happen.  
I was going to include a video of some of the worship
but it really too long.  Just trust me when I say,
it was indeed a very special time of worship.

Another believer, an 18 year old man, was acknowledged and Nahum and David W are setting up a schedule to disciple both he and Regis on a weekly basis.  These two men will form the foundation of spiritual leadership in La Cumbre de Nearar. 

     Pray for the safety of Nahum and David W as they travel up the road and down the trail.
     Pray for Regis and this young man to grow in their understanding of spiritual life.
     Pray for their protection from the evil one who seeks to keep this area in darkness.
     Pray for their "standing firm in the faith."  Satan would love to have them fail.
     Pray for the hearts of the people to be open to faith in Christ alone.

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