Thursday, July 26, 2012

Partnerships are being formed

As you have prayed, partnerships are being formed and team work is being initiated.  We are so excited as we see God's hand at work in all the details and beginning fruit.  Continue to pray as the Word is shared, people make decisions for Christ, believers are discipled, and churches are formed. 

Partnership I:
Our Guatemalan home church La Iglesia Bautista Canaán, Chimaltenango, is partnered with Brianerd Baptist Church, Chattanooga, Tennessee, to reach La Cumbre de Nearar among the Ch'orti' indigenous.

A little side note here:  Many years ago (well, actually, 1986), we were called to serve at Southside Baptist Church in Huntsville, Alabama.  A single young man was on the search committee.  Barry became a good friend of ours.  We were priviledged to observe God's leading in his life as he and Scarlett were married.  They received some pre-parenting skills as they often babysat our four children.  We followed their God path as they entered full time Christian ministry.  We were honored to take them on their first overseas missionary trips.  Scarlett accompanied us to Guatemala the week of their first anniversary. (We made sure that she received flowers on her special day - a dozen and half of long stemmed roses, total cost $1.50...big spenders we were.)  We watched as God led them in ministry to Florida where Barry was also able to accompany David to Guatemala.  We observed as God added to their family - one, then two, then three, then four - and guided them from Florida to Tennessee.  With great joy, we learned of their appointment as ISCers (short term missionaries with the Internation Mission Board) to Uganda where they served for 2-3 years.  With pleasure, we were able to visit with them after their return and during our processing with the IMB as missionaries to Guatemala - this time our children all grown and their four running around.  We followed their journey back to the same church in Tennessee from where Barry become the Missions Pastor.  Along with their surprise, we rejoiced in the birth of their fifth child, when they officially "outgrew" us.  Then in May 2010, we were thrilled as Barry and his father came to visit us here in Guatemala.  One of the places we visited together was the Ch'orti' area.  Since that time, together we have prayed for what God might have in store.  Now in May 2012, Brainerd Baptist Church, Chattanooga, TN entered into a partnership with la Iglesia Bautista Canaán, Chimaltenango, to reach this very same area of the Ch'orti' with the Gospel of Christ.  Sounds like a God plan to me, doesn't it to you?!

Satan has had control on this area for far too long!
Claim freedom for Christ's Spirit to reach into the hearts and lives of people
freeing them from the bondage of sin and bringing eternal life.

 Pray for their second team which will be in country August 11-18, 2012
 to work with our local church and medical doctor 
to conduct a medical clinic and house visits in this area.
Physical healing and health that may lead to spiritual healing.

Partnership II:
La Iglesia Dios es Amor in San Andres Itzapa is partnered with Bull Street Baptist Church in Savannah, Georgia to reach El Porvenir II, Cantón San Lorenzo.

A couple of side notes here:
We first met Pastor Apolinario during our first months living in Chimaltenango.  Our pastor Victoriano spent several days riding with us to different areas near Chimal, enlarging our vision and introducing us to pastors along the way.

The area where we visited on this first visit was the area where we thought a partnership would be, but God had other plans.  The church had received a plot of land in this neighborhood to use for a church plant but persecution from another "evangelical" church closed the door.  However, they continue to go to this area and have home Bible studies. Perhaps one day the folks themselves will build the church there. Each time we have visited with him and his family we enjoy sweet fellowship.  They have a heart to reach of their area with the Gospel of Christ. 

Several years ago, an Operation Go team worked with Pastor Apolinario in another area.  Ed and Adrienne Stallworth were memmers of that team.  Now they are the team leaders from Bull Street as they partner with La Iglesia Deios es Amor to evangelize, disciple and plant a church in this same area, El Porvenir II.  It is ALL about His Plan and His Time.

The team from Bull Street arrives September 3 to work. 
Pray for fruit that will remain.

Partnership III:

La Igleisa Betania, south of Chicacao, has partnered with First Baptist Church, Greenwood, Arkansas, to reach two areas Corando de la Cruz and El Bolvia for Christ.

David along with Pastor Ronnie Deal and men's ministry director Brad Albert spent time with Pastor Elder Veliz Carrillo and several of the church leaders in both areas seeking to cast a vision of future teams working in these areas.

Pastor Ronnie on far left, Brad on right beside David. 
Pastor Elder is in the back, behind the man in the white shirt.

They visited some of local people.

Lunch of caldo (chicken soup) with rice .

Prayer time after lunch.
Pastor Elder is on the far left.

Partnership IV:
La Iglesia Bautista Shalom in Zacapa and La Iglesia Bautista Shalom in Chiquimula are working together as the Guatemalan church for the First Baptist Church, Mt. Pleasant, SC, partnership reaching Corral de Piedras and Chancó in the Ch'orti' area.

Side note for this partnership:
Corral de Piedras and Chancó were two of the first areas where we traveled in the Ch'orti' area.  They have been on our heart for a long time.  We had thought that another Guatemalan church had adopted this area but no work had begun here. 

We worked with FBC, Mt. Pleasant, as they conducted a medical clinic in Nearar with La Iglesia Canaán back in February.  Their heart was stirred for the Ch'orti' and asked when another partnership arose for the Ch'orti' area to mark it for them.  Their vision team will be here in September to lay out plans for future teams.

Yes, Corral de las Piedras (Corral of the Rocks) definitely lives up to its name!

Partnership V:
Partnership VI:

We have the Guatemalan partners for Partnerships V and VI but are waiting on the US churches to give dates for a vision team to come and begin the partnership.  There is also a potential seventh partnership for which we are visiting next week. 

WOW! For this you prayed!   Keep praying for us as we go.  Pray for each of these areas and the partner churches.  You now have names you can call out to the Father. 

Can't wait to see how God will work in each of these areas in answer to your prayers.
One day we will meet them all at the foot of the throne.
What joy and rejoicing that will be!


Rebecca said...

Love all this!! You are "connecting" very well!!

Rebecca said...

Love all this!! You are "connecting" very well!!