Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Go Forth in Boldness!

The recent medical team to Nearar with the partnership of Iglesia Canaán and Brainerd Baptist included a young man whom Pastor Victoriano has been discipling.  Upon his return home, Antonio was so burdened about the lostness of the people there that he told his wife he had to return.  The church dedicated him, collected money for his trip and for his family (wife and two small boys) who remained at home, and confirmed his call.  Kinda of sounds like the first missionaries sent out from Jerusalem, doesn't it?

Antonio left on the 10th and traveled by bus to the area and then by pickup truck up the mountain to Nearar.  He stayed with Reyes, the strong believer/leader and went out daily visiting door to door, helping Reyes and being a witness in the community.  Last  Friday as he and Reyes were visiting in a home, the man said he accepted Christ.

Our fellow missionaries, David and Regina White, live in this area and each Sunday morning have Bible study with Reyes, his family, and any other believers who will join them in his home.  As a result of the medical team and the salvation decisions that were made at that time, they also return each Sunday afternoon to led a Bible Study in another family's home.  This past week, Regina and the two boys remained at home for the morning study.  As David was teaching, Reyes received a phone call, interrupted David with the message that someone had been killed, and as a community leader, he had to go to the site.  David completed the lesson with the others and then returned to his car.  The man had been murdered right behind David's car.  It was the man to whom Reyes and Antonio had witnessed on Friday and who prayed to receive Christ. 

We are glad that Regina and the boys had remained home that morning and were not subject to the scenes and activity.  We are very saddened by this latest death in Nearar.  There is definitely a spirit of evil that rests heavy among the people.  They have little value for life; when there is a dispute, the chief method of resolution is murder.  It is really sad, but the reality.  We pray that the man had indeed accepted Christ.  He left behind a wife and several small children.  Please pray for them.  David and Regina and planning to visit the wife and children sometime in the coming days.  Pray that God would give them just the right words to encourage them and that would lead them to Christ.

Pray for the spirit of the evil one to be bound.
Pray for hearts to be open to the Gospel of Jesus.
Pray for salvation to come to that area, that many would come to know the Prince of Peace.
Pray for the believers to walk under the covering of God's protection being bold in their witness.

David and Regina were able to return to Nearar that afternoon for the Bible study in the other home.  Although the men were out looking for work, the women and children were ready to listen.

Pray that they hear and grow in their understanding of the Word of God
which is able to change their lives.
Pray for the Spirit of God to reign in their hearts, minds, and lives!

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