Friday, October 3, 2008

With Empty Hands

Today's Lengajue class included singing. May you receive a blessing from these as well.

You Are All Powerful

The only reason for my adoration is You, my Jesus.
The only motive for living is You, my Lord.
My only truth is in You.
You are my light and my salvation.
My only love is You Lord
And forever I will praise You.

You are all powerful.
You are grand and majestic,
You are strong, invincible,
And there is no one like You.

The second song brought many tears as we sang:

With Empy Hands

With empty hands I come to You,
I have nothing that I give You.
I have nothing of value in me.
I can not impress You.

To You I can surrender my heart,
But it is broken.
Receive it, my good Pastor,
You can restore it.

I put my life in your service, Lord.
It will not be much but I bring it today.
And if my hands today are empty
You can fill them with Your grand power and love;
Use my hands, Lord.

1 comment:

1jordan1 said...

Beautiful words!! They will bring tears. Miss you both. Wrena