Saturday, January 17, 2009

BUSY first week...

It's late and I am ready for bed but want to update with a couple of things about this week.

First, it has been a very BUSY week as we returned to classes. That first day is always so diffiuclt as all the teachers seem to think we are fluent Spanish speakers - huh, no, if we were we wouldn't still be here, right?! So when they began speaking like a house afire we had that "deer in the headlights look." Things are beginning to settle down some but still I still get that glazed look every now and then. Will it ever become easy?!

Homework level is tremendously high right now too. Glynis has had to write a movie reviews - storyline, characters, summary, and personal analysis - on the most recent movie we have seen (Australia); read and translate a two page article on movie ratings; prepare a 15 minute Bible study (ran out of time in class to present this so will do so on Monday); watch "The Ultimate Gift" in English with Spanish subtitles in class and write a full movie review on it. And that is just lenguaje.

David is not taking lengauje but rather doing a program called FARO in which he will interview and converse with 7 people on a specific route 2-3 a week, write a report on the interviews, complete a project regarding the topic for the week and meet one on one with the teacher for evaluation. This week, he has had to plan all 22 topics, 15 projects, and establish his route and begin a simple interview with the 7 people. Yep, this is just one class too. So we have been busy! In it all, the Lord is so faithful to assure us that this is His plan for us right now, that he is sufficient in all things, that he is the giver of strength and wisdom...and on and on the list goes of His confirmations. What joy we find walking in His plans!

We begin our Sunday afternoon Bible Study tomorrow.
Pray for us as we lead in this study; we have 3 first trimester students assisting.
Pray particularly for David tomorrow as he leads and teaches in Spanish.
Pray for the growth of the lady in whose home we hold the study.
Pray for her husband's salvation.
Pray for others to join the study and receive the message of salvation and spiritual maturity.

We pray that as you worship tomorrow God will open your eyes to new and precious truths about Himself. May your church proclaim the Gospel clearly so that others can hear and receive salvation. Happy Sunday!

1 comment:

Our family page said...

Dear Glynis, I am so glad you left a message on my blog so that I could see your website. I have just walked down memory lane! And NO it NEVER gets easy. Or at least I don't think so! I hate to tell you, but when you are working with indigenous it could get even worse! Because you are learning Spanish from people who don't speak it well either! Kinda like learning English from a Mexican who speaks English. ;o} Anyway, I am so glad Zaida is doing well!I really love her! I will send her a message to your email address with my phone number. Thanks so much for letting me know how she is doing! I look forward to meeting you in Puebla! Pack light, we have a lot more American products here in Mexico, than you will have in Guatemala! Anything you can't get in CR that you want? I can tell you if they have it here! Gotta go! Keep up the good work! Please tell all of the teachers I said, "Hello!" Love, Missy