Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Goodbyes, bullfighting, and Feliz Año...

Thursday brought goodbyes, which aren't any easier the longer you are apart...

In the afternoon, we went to the fiesta in Zapote and to the "bullfight." Actually we called it "running from the bulls." Costa Rica is the only country where no matter what the bull does the person can't hurt the bull!

A girl bull rider entertained the crowd for awhile...she was really good and dismounted herself, without the "aid" of the bull :)!

Now this part is what we called..."Can you say ESTUPIDO?" Four guys sat on drink crates and waited for the bull to enter the ring...

after he entered the ring...

yep, he is knocked out cold. Both guys had to be removed on stretchers to the red cross area. Anyone else ready to give it a try?!

When we exited the ring, we were greeted with a traditional parade - dancing masks...

complete with their own band.

And then the new year was brought in with a BANG...literally..from about 10 pm to the GRAND finale at 11:45 until 12:30! Feliz Año!

May this year be the best you have ever experienced as you discover and walk in the will of God for your life!

1 comment:

David and Rebecca said...

you know me and song lyrics drive my life...all i can say is "oh what a night!!"