Tuesday, January 27, 2009

You know it's third tri...

Yep, you know it's third trimester when you get these kinds of tests:

This past Friday, we had a lenguaje test - 10 dictated questions (that to me was enough of a test!) each which we had to answer in essay form.
1. Explain 5 acts of crimes committed in Central America.
2. What are the causes of crime and violence?(5 things)
3. Discuss 3 counsels you would give for the prevention of assaults.
4. What are the effects of crime and violence? (5 things)
5. What laws would help prevent crime?
6. What does the Bible say about what we should see?
7. What happened to the restrictions that were on movies?
8. What would you recommend to youth when they want to watch a movie?
9. How do movies and television influence the conduct of people in general?
10. What did you like most about the movie The Ultimate Gift?

Just wondering, how would you respond in English? Now, add in all Spanish grammar rules and verb conjugations. Yes, it was a quite a test - two hours of writing!

Then today, we had a grammar test on rules 6 and 7 in the use of subjunctivos. It was only 4 sections, a total of about 35 questions but then the added joy of being called, one at a time, to answer 5 questions orally.

Ok, maybe by the end of the trimester that won't seem so difficult but somehow I really doubt it.

So now you know how to pray for us - pray for ability to reason and transpose that reasoning into Spanish using correct grammar and vocabulary. And for us to not lose sight of the fact that the purpose of learning all this is to be able to share the Gospel and to speak in defence of the faith.

Well, back to this week's study...contamination.


Bennie and Retta Durham said...

I am sure you both passed with flying colors! We are praying as language schools nears the end! Tell Asbury and Hope howdy for us! They are precious people!

Mindy said...

I am so impressed! I only had 3 months of language school and flew through subjuctivo in about 3 weeks, but I couldn't answer a bunch of those questions in Spanish. Ya'll are doing so well! Keep up the hard work!