One of the greatest joys we experienced in Costa Rica was living in a tico home. We became family and enjoyed family celebrations throughout the year. We celebrated everyone's birthdays - ours, Daisy's, Rodolfo's, their youngest granddaughter's, their son's, their daughter's, her husband's, and two of their children's, everyone's but Diana's, their oldest granddaughter. We arrived last year after her birthday and we were leaving this year early in the morning of her 20th birthday, Saturday, April 25th.
Diana is in her second year of business/marketing at the university and doing really well. Her greatest struggle is trying to do her work on their antiquated computer. Throughout the year as we anticipated guests coming to visit, we asked if anyone had a used laptop they were willing to donate so our guests could bring it to us. Nothing. We had good intentions but nothing materialized.
Then on Tuesday, April 21st, a friend emailed: "Hope you are doing well. Do you still have a need for a laptop. Please advise." Do we have a need?! Our little sibs at school had parents coming on Friday to visit for the Wednesday the computer was overnited to the parents, arrived there Thursday, was packed, and delivered to us Friday afternoon. Friday evening Diana opened her birthday gift...perfect timing...God's timing.
Thanks Parker family for being available for God to use you to bless the lives of our special tico family! Love you guys!