Sunday, May 10, 2009

Birthday Party...

We also celebrated the birthdays of Rebecca and Josue, the children of the caretakes of the Arkansas House where we are living until we find our home.

And what is a latin birthday party without a piñata?! Having fun and getting dulces are what is all about.

Although Josue, Rebecca, and Reina, their cousin, had fun taking turns hitting the piñata many times, Rebecca had beat it quite well before Josue was able to completely separate it. All along dulces had scattered but this time it was completely emptied.

Josue blew out the 3 candles on one side and Rebecca blew out the 7 on the other side.

But all three enjoyed what every child likes about a birthday cake...licking the icing off the bottom of the candles!

Glynis with Rebecca, Reina, and Josue:

1 comment:

David and Rebecca said...

ya'll just party anywhere you go...always joining in on someone else's fun!! :)